Taiwan comfort women human rights movement

Promote the campaign to include historical materials on comfort women in history textbooks

Promote the campaign to include historical materials on comfort women in history textbooks

Reasons for the movement

The Japanese government is still unwilling to admit that the women victims from various Asian countries during the war served as Japanese military sex slaves through coercion or deception. In addition to denying the Japanese government's direct involvement in the "comfort women" system, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also tried to change textbooks The content misleads the new generation of citizens. Support groups for victims in various Asian countries have therefore included in the goals of the demand movement against Japan the hope of including the historical truth of "comfort women" and relevant historical materials in history textbooks. They hope not only to put pressure on the Japanese government, but also to influence Asia. Governments of all countries hope that this period of historical facts deliberately concealed by the Japanese government can be correctly understood by the younger generation through the correct recording in textbooks, so as to avoid the recurrence of incidents that harm human rights and dignity, and promote people's attention to women's human rights and gender equality. , Preserve correct historical data and information so that they can be fully and correctly known and understood.

In March 2001, Yoshiki Kobayashi's "Taiwan Theory" cartoon pointed out that "comfort women" were voluntary, causing secondary harm to Taiwanese "comfort women" survivors and seriously affecting society's audiovisual effects. Afterwards, on August 15, 2003, the day World War II ended, Taiwan's Ministry of Education supported the private sector in promoting the inclusion of "comfort women" historical materials in history textbooks. Well-known domestic textbooks such as Nanyi, Kangxuan, Hanlin, and Renlin were published. The society also expressed its willingness to include historical materials on Taiwan's "comfort women" into junior high school textbooks that year, so as to achieve belated justice for these survivors through practical educational actions.

Book example: "After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, it not only strengthened assimilation education in the colonies, but also began to mobilize manpower from the colonies to support Japan's foreign wars, including volunteers, military cadres, comfort women, etc." (Sanmin , 98 four volumes)

After long-term efforts, in 2011 and 2018, the history of "comfort women" was included in the high school history textbook curriculum and the 12-year National Basic Education Curriculum - National Primary and Secondary Schools and General Senior High Schools in the Social Field, in the "Women in the Country" It became one of the cases in the unit "Mobilization and Domination in Racism and War".

In 2020, Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation appeals on the International "Comfort Women" Memorial Day that the term "comfort women" appearing in high school syllabuses and textbooks should be renamed "comfort women-military sex slaves", hoping that the younger generation We can face the historical fact that "comfort women" were essentially "military sex slaves" and they were not voluntary.


As for Japan, among the high school textbooks on the market in Japan in 2017, only the history textbook by Tokyo Book Publishing House mentioned Japan’s colonial rule of Korea: “A large number of women were sent to the battlefield as ‘comfort women’.” It was also mentioned In 1993, Japan recognized the history of "comfort women" in the Kono Statement. Even so, the textbooks do not state that the "comfort women" were forcibly recruited to the front line by the Japanese army and treated as military sex slaves. However, in the eyes of Japanese education circles, this can be reflected in Japan's conservative political atmosphere. The content presented below has been regarded as a history textbook of conscience. "Nada", a private elite middle school in Kobe, Japan, was questioned by the Liberal Democratic Party prefectural councilors for using this textbook in 2015 because of its use of this textbook. It was also asked by the Liberal Democratic Party councilors to stop using it in 2016. The list of schools using this version of the textbook was also published in Japan's right-wing newspaper Sankei Shimbun.

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